

1. 政治因素(美国施压) 2015年7月,伊朗与美国签署核协议后不久,国际足联就下令禁止伊朗男子足球队参加任何与FIFA有关的活动。理由是该国国内有少数妇女和年轻人在抗议时被抓或被杀。据信,这是由美国领导的对伊朗制裁的一部分。 尽管没有公开披露这一决定背后的动机,但一些观察家认为这与当时在任国际足联主席的私人关系有关——他曾在伊朗流亡海外,并受到伊朗政府强烈批评。

2016年4月底,时任伊朗足协主席谢赫·法伊齐因反对该禁令而辞职。 2018年世界杯期间,伊朗被禁止前往俄罗斯,但比赛仍将在主场进行。 此后,伊朗男足一直按照临时禁令参赛,直到今年3月初,也就是核协议到期前两周,这项禁令才正式解除。

2. 经济因素(财政困难) Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) is a global association of national and regional football associations that oversee the game in their respective countries, regions and continents around the world. The FIFA headquarters are located at House of FIFA in Zurich, Switzerland with key offices based throughout Europe and other parts of the globe. It was founded on May 21, 1904 by Belgium\’s Pierre de Coubertin; its current president is Gianni Infantino from Switzerland. As of December 2021, there are 211 member nations across all six inhabited continents.

In July 2015, Iran was placed under a temporary suspension of all international matches for the Iranian men\'s national team and clubs by FIFA after it allegedly failed to investigate alleged human rights violations during domestic games, including killings of protesters. In March 2016, due to lack of evidence provided by the body tasked with investigating these allegations, which included footage shot on mobile phones rather than cameras or video recorders, the ban was lifted pending an investigation into whether FIFA had sufficient proof to justify imposing sanctions on the country. However, just two months later, new US President Donald Trump ordered Washington to reimpose previously withdrawn sanctions against Tehran over its nuclear programme, making it unlikely any such investigations would be possible before then.

On February 2, 2022, FIFA confirmed that they have decided not to further suspend Iran following concerns about human rights abuses within the nation, citing “progress” made since last year when a ban was first instated as well as increased transparency measures enforced upon the country’s football federation. This includes requiring regular reports from the organization – known locally


国际足联对伊朗队及球员、官员的禁赛决定,是因为在之前的世预赛中,伊朗队没有遵守国际足联的规则和赛程安排而做出的处罚 之前在1/4决赛中,伊朗队与法国队的比赛中,在终场补时最后时刻,阿兹蒙进球,将比分扩大到3比2领先,但此时主裁判却吹罚了比赛结束,因为伊朗队已经提前出线从而晋级半决赛 在随后的新闻发布会上,伊朗足协主席还指责欧洲球队为了获得世界杯资格不择手段 因为这些违规行为,所以导致了现在的结果 如果不是这样,中国男足可能就没有机会参加今年夏天在德国举行的欧锦赛了,毕竟中国队在世预赛中也是违规,如果不是国奥队当时客场踢日本队的时候,被罚一球的情况下最终0比0战平对手才侥幸过关的话,很可能也会无缘本次欧锦赛
