

我也在找这首背景曲,是《罗马战士》(Roman Warrior)的纯伴奏版 百度MP3就有,但是下载要付钱 这是我用讯雷下的,你试试吧 URL  下面是歌词及翻译 I walk through the streets of Rome at night and see how beautiful it is. I have spent my whole life playing football, so for me there are no problems in life except trying to win a game or score a goal; but here, if you can just forget about winning, everything becomes special! Here, where people live as they did centuries ago with their families and their friends right around them on every side, nothing exists apart from what’s happening now. It makes you feel like a Roman warrior again! When the Romans were invading other countries five hundred years before Christ; when Julius Caesar was making war, conquering nations all over Europe: this must be how they felt——as though history itself had come alive. And then after three thousand years we still walk its streets, breathe its air, try to understand these ancient people who lived so long ago. Perhaps that is something only great athletes can bring us. The feeling of becoming part of history…it will always stay with me!

走在罗马街头,看着眼前的一切,我不禁惊叹罗马夜色的美丽迷人。 我已经把自己的一生都献给了足球运动,我的生活中除了球场上奋力拼搏、争胜夺冠之外已经别无所求了。但在这里,只要你忘了胜负之争这回事,一切便变得如此美好! 这里的人们依然保持着几百年前的古老生活方式,他们的家人和朋友就在身边。所有的事情都显得那么真切。人们仿佛又回到了古罗马时代,感受着那激动人心的历史瞬间以及那荡气回肠的英雄气概…… 当古代的罗马军队在基督诞生前500年向各国发起进攻的时候;当凯撒大帝横渡重洋征战四方,将欧洲各国尽数征服的时候;他们一定也拥有这种感觉———好像自己就置身在历史的舞台中一样。而3000年后的我们依然走在罗马的大街小巷里,呼吸着这里的空气,揣摩这些曾经生活在遥远古代的古罗马人的内心世界。也许惟有伟大运动员才能让我们有此感受吧。那与历史融为一体的激动时刻将会永远铭刻在我的心中!


你说的应该是2014年 《足球之夜》 里,小贝对罗纳尔多唱的那首歌吧…… 歌曲名:The Game of My Life 演唱者:Paul McCartney(保罗麦卡特尼) 这首《GAME OF MY LIFE》收录在电影《THE GAME OF MY LIFE》原声带中。这部电影由保罗·麦克马纳德主演,讲述了他在二战期间与一位美丽的德国女孩之间的爱情故事。
