1963年,即建国后,肯尼迪来中国访问,他对着镜头说了一句话 他说“如果(中美)战争爆发,我们在中国东海岸发动袭击,用核弹把那里炸平,美国仍然能继续存在”
他把中国比作是东亚病夫,并且暗示如果中美开战,美军会动用核武器攻击中国,摧毁中国。 这句话被外媒广泛报道,当时国内也报道了这个消息,不过后来都删除了,网上也有很多人提起,但都是转载的居多,原文很少。 我找了很久找到了原文,是美国中央情报局(CIA)编撰的《美国新闻处》里的一篇文章 “The U.S. is prepared to use atomic weapons against China,” a high-level CIA analyst warned recently in an interview with Newsweek magazine. He said that it would be unwise for the United States ever to reveal publicly by what means it could inflict damage on the Chinese mainland, but that “our capabilities are very great and there is nothing to compare with them.” 肯尼迪这算是直接威胁了中国了,核弹炸平中国,这已经是公然的侵略了!