


1.形容水平差的人 例:The new players are really SB, they keep on making mistakes. 新手真是菜鸟,一直出错。 2.形容没有策略的人 例:We were up by two touchdowns in the fourth quarter, but our QB made some really dumb choices and let the other team back into the game. He was so SB. 我们在第四节领先两分,但我们的 Quarterback 有些愚蠢的决定让对手将比分追平。他太傻了。

3.讽刺他人能力不行还喜欢炫耀。 例:Amy: I know what you did to your grades last term. You really should have studied hard instead of wasting time playing that stupid computer game. 你上学期作弊的事情我知道了。你应该好好复习而不是把时间浪费在玩那个傻电脑游戏上。 Bob: Shut up, Amy! You're just jealous because you think I am better than you at everything. 闭嘴,艾米!你只是在嫉妒因为在你心目中我比你强。

4.形容蠢货、白痴 例:When he saw his son was about to kiss the girl, he couldn’t believe his eyes-she wasn’t even pretty and she was such a good catch. What an SB he must be! 当他看到他儿子快要吻这个女孩时,他简直无法相信自己的眼睛——她甚至连漂亮都不算而且是个很好的猎物。他真是一个大白痴!
