先放一张图解释下助攻和射门的关系 1、我们先来说一下助攻的含义,助攻是足球术语之一,指的是在比赛中为队友的进球送出传球助攻的队员。 在国际足联给出的助攻定义中是这样写的“a player who makes a direct contribution to his team scoring by running at the opposition goal with or without the ball, and making an accurate pass.” 翻译过来的意思就是:在场上持球的队员通过带球或者没有带球的方式冲击对方大门并准确传球给其他队员,从而直接导致进球发生的球员即为助攻者。
2、再来看下射门的含义,我们同样放一张图来解释下射门的概念。 在FIFA给出的射正的定义是这样写的:"A shot that is on target, in which the ball reaches the goalkeeping-line before being touched by a goalkeeper. A shot may be considered a 'goal' if it goes into the net but was originally not on target – e.g. ricocheted off an opponent, hit the post or crossbar and then went into the net. This type of goal should only be awarded when there are no reasonable means for the defending side to recover the ball after it has gone past them. If they can regain control, even if by their own hand, the result should not count. For example the rebound from a save would fall directly back to a teammate——this should NOT be scored. The decision must be made as soon as practical following the event.” 翻译过来就是:“击中立柱,横梁,门将脱手,门将接住球后又丢了等这些未击中门框范围内的射门都不算是真正的射门。”所以,根据以上的阐述,我们可以得出如下结论
3、最后我们再来看一下助攻和射门之间的关系,如图示。 从图中可以看出,要想有射门就必须有人进行突破分球或直塞,而这一切的一切的前提都是要有球员在前场进行逼抢施压以及进行前场的跑位接应,当进攻方的前场压迫使得防守方的传球出现失误的时候才会形成所谓的攻门机会(从这点上来看助攻和射门其实是有一定的联系);而当进攻方通过压迫和跑位获得了传球的机会后,这时候传球队员的传球时机和传球落点是否合适将会影响到接球员是否形成真正意义上的射门。